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Yahya Ashraf
3 min read
Are we living in a simulation?
Our universe is governed by physics laws, couldn’t a powerful computer simulate it exactly? Could we actually be living inside a simulation?

Yahya Ashraf
3 min read
Does anything even exist?
The human body has way more than 5 senses, which helps us feel, experience and understand our environment. They are the medium for us to...

Yahya Ashraf
2 min read
What are the practical applications of Quantum Entanglement?
The very complex definition of Entangled states according to Quantum mechanics entangled systems are defined to be one whose quantum...

Yahya Ashraf
3 min read
The fate of the universe
We all are aware about the fact that our universe is expanding and is infinity. But this universe’s fate is as uncertain as the universe...

Yahya Ashraf
3 min read
String theory in simple words!
The biggest dilemma of Einstein’s life represents the search of a unified theory. Scientists all over the world are currently engrossed...

Yahya Ashraf
3 min read
What is time? Does it even exist?
In late 16s when Newton published his book ‘Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica’ he stated that time is absolute and is the same...

Yahya Ashraf
4 min read
The very weird phenomenon, Quantum Entanglement
Consider throwing a ball straight into the air. Can you predict the motion of the ball after it leaves your hand? Sure, that's easy. The...
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