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Philosophy Of Physics

Yahya Ashraf
What and where are extra dimensions?
It is widely believed that we live in a four-dimensional world comprised of length, width, height, and time. But the mathematics of...

Yahya Ashraf
The paradox of time travel, answered!
Everyone has, at least, once in a lifetime thought of the idea of time travel. “What if I could go back in time and change the course of...

Yahya Ashraf
Why parallel universe exists
With past years our understanding of science and the universe has expanded exponentially giving us a complete new outlook towards the...

Yahya Ashraf
Why is there anything instead of nothing?
Why does the universe exist? Why is there anything instead of nothing? This is the very ultimate question of our existence.

Yahya Ashraf
Are we living in a simulation?
Our universe is governed by physics laws, couldn’t a powerful computer simulate it exactly? Could we actually be living inside a simulation?

Yahya Ashraf
Does anything even exist?
The human body has way more than 5 senses, which helps us feel, experience and understand our environment. They are the medium for us to...

Yahya Ashraf
The fate of the universe
We all are aware about the fact that our universe is expanding and is infinity. But this universe’s fate is as uncertain as the universe...

Yahya Ashraf
What is time? Does it even exist?
In late 16s when Newton published his book ‘Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica’ he stated that time is absolute and is the same...
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