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Yahya Ashraf
3 min read
Astronomers Discover First Observational Evidence Linking Black Holes to Dark Energy
A team of astronomers has discovered the first observational evidence linking black holes to dark energy, a mysterious force that...

Yahya Ashraf
2 min read
Webb reveals cosmic cliffs and it's beautiful!
So NASA’s James Webb telescope released an image of cosmic cliff and we all are amazed. It shows the limitlessness of Webb suggesting...

Yahya Ashraf
3 min read
Breakdown of the first James Webb Space Telescope image
This is a huge day for humanity. This day marks the beginning of an era. An era where our universe is much more accessible to us than it...

Yahya Ashraf
2 min read
Physicists observe a rare type of superconductivity
'Magic angle' twisted trilayer graphene doesn't only have an impressively exotic name, it might be a particularly rare type of...

Yahya Ashraf
2 min read
China's "artificial Sun" sets a record with a plasma temperature of 120 million degrees celsius
China's Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) is one of several promising nuclear fusion research devices in operation...

Yahya Ashraf
3 min read
Quantum Entanglement, for the first time, seen on a large scale!
Quantum mechanics shows us that reality is merely an illusion. It has been more than a hundred years since we started decoding the...

Yahya Ashraf
3 min read
Quantum molecules are a possibility, shows a new study by physicists at the University of Chicago
Physicists have always wanted to influence and control quantum molecules for success in doing so would result in technology feats like...

Yahya Ashraf
3 min read
Researchers use pulses inside hot plasma to break the speed barrier!
Physicists have broken down the speed limit of light. Using pulses inside hot plasma, researchers show light pulses can indeed travel faster

Yahya Ashraf
5 min read
Faster than light travel is indeed possible, says a new study!
We all know that faster than light travel is not possible but a recently published research paper shows that achieving superlimnal speed is
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